The use of increment time controls is becoming more common in the US. MCA uses increment time controls both in open and in scholastic tournaments. Below are a quick summary of how to set up common clocks and a link to the step-by-step process for these clocks.
For demonstration videos that illustrate how to operate common clocks (including setting increment time controls), click on Chess Links in the Main Menu sidebar on the left-hand side of MCA's home page. Then click on Clocks: How to Set Yours.
A Quick Summary if you really know your clock
One Time Control
- Chronos II - Start with mode CH-P5 and change total time and increment
- Chronos GX - Start with mode TN-1 and change total time and increment
- Excalibur Game Timer - Start with preset that is closest or matches the total time. If needed modify time. Set delay to zero, set claim to OFF, set Accum to ON and then set increment time.
- Saitek Competition Pro (Silver) - Start with mode 3b, set first time control to total time, set number of moves to 0, set second time control to 0 time
Two Time Controls
- Chronos II - Start with mode CH-P6 and change total time and increment for both time controls
- Chronos GX - Start with mode TN-2 and change total time and increment for both time controls
- Excalibur Game Timer - Start with preset that is closest or matches the total time. If needed modify time for each time control. Set delay to zero, claim to OFF, set Accum to ON, and then set increment time.
- Saitek Competition Pro (Silver) - Start with mode 3b, set first time control to total time, set number of moves to number in first time control, set increment, set second time control to time to finish game, set increment for second time control.
Detailed instructions for these and other chess clocks
Chris Kim and Mike Regan