In a survey given to participants at the end of the 60th Annual Maryland Open, the event earned a Net Promoter Score (NPS) of 79%. This high level of satisfaction rivals some of the most well respected companies (Apple - Laptop = 76%, Dillards 75%, Amazon 69%. See more examples). The Net promoter score is the percentage of people who answer 9 or 10 to the question "Would you recommend this tournament to your friends?" minus the number who gave an answer of 6 or below.
The summary of the answers is below. There is another article with the individual responses.
1. How likely is it that you would recommend our tournaments to a friend?
Highly Likely 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Not at all likely
Histogram of answers to question 1 of survey
A summary of the common answers to the followup questions is below.
2. What reasons lead to your answer to question 1?
Well-organized/run - 29
Boards/sets provided - 14
Location/hotel - 18
Nice TDs - 9
Breakfast/food - 5
Score-based prizes - 4
Start on time - 4
Text pairings - 3
Increment - 2
3. What do we do better than other tournaments?
Equipment provided - 22
Email/text pairings - 16
Organization - 11
Breakfast - 10
Start on time - 9
Location - 7
Prize Structure - 6
TDs - 4
4. What do we do worse than other tournaments?
Nothing - 23
Prize Structure - 5
Noise -3
9am Round Sunday - 3
5. What would you like us to change?
Nothing - 15
Prize Structure - 4
9am Sunday Round - 4
Air Conditioning - 2